Benefits of a Vegan Diet


Yes! There are many benefits when eating vegan

Here are 7 reasons why you should eat vegan.

Eating Vegan does not only benefit the animals, but also your body. As humans we should be aware of what we put in our body. Depending what you consume it will have a positive or negative affect on your body.

Why Eat Vegan?

The benefits of being on a vegan diet is worth the transition and the learning curve.

1. Guaranteed daily nutrients.

With every meal you are eating clean and are providing your body with the nutrients it needs. When eating vegan you become more aware of what you eat. As a result you will consciously consume foods with more nutrients.

2. Energy Boost

Eating vegan can boost your energy based on all the nutrients you consume. For instance, the food you eat on a vegan diet are usually easier to digest in addition to an energy boost. After a meal you are less likely to feel blooded or have a “food coma”.

3. You are at a lower risk of diseases 

Your body is receiving many nutrients that processed foods do not have. Depending on the food it may contain less fat and oils. Which typically carries risks of diseases.

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4. It can help you lose weight

Vegan diet includes lots of vegetables, fruits and cleaner foods that can be less in calories. As a result, even if you have a bigger portion it may be less calories than regular non vegan food. Your normal high calorie desserts most likely not vegan. The chance of you sugary desserts is less often than when you were not vegan.

Do not let this fool you. There is still many yummy vegan desserts. You can make some in your own home. Check out my recipes on yummy fall desserts.

5. You smell better

Since you are eating non processes foods the smell of your sweat changes. For the better most certainly.

Do not get me wrong vegans can still eat processes foods. Since there is more awareness on veganism companies are starting to make more vegan processed foods. Even though there is accesses to vegan processed foods, you are less likely to eat it once you’re vegan.

6. Improves digestion

The plant-based diet (Veganism) may help with digestion since vegan food is not heavy or filled with processed ingredients. Most of vegan food are easy to digest. For details of what vegans eat check out my other blog What is Vegan?

7. Your skin will clear up

When eating vegan, you are on a clean plant based diet. Your skin will heal and become more clear. Using vegan products can also help with your skin.

The picture above is an example of my face. There is no filter or make up on. I only have mascara on.

How can you guarantee these benefits?

Transitioning to eating vegan is the short answer.

It may seem more complicated than that. Doing research is more time consuming than the actual transition. A transition requires a lot of planning. You will need to plan your grocery trips and your outings. You will also have to carefully plan your nutrients intake. Such as your daily vitamins to ensure you are proving your body with all the right nutrients it needs.

Being consistent and doing it 100% will get your body the benefits of veganism.


There are many benefits while eating vegan as mentioned above. Your body can transform for the better. You will have more energy, clear skin, better digestion, lower risks of diseases, and many more advantages.

I experienced all of these benefits when I transitioned to eating vegan.

There are many more benefits and changes your body goes through, but these are the main day and night changes you will experience.

Written with love,

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